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Hiring the right person for the job can make or break your company. If your organisation is equipped with the right staff that are good at their roles, loyal, and fulfil all the job requirements, your company is bound to improve tremendously and meet most of their key performance indicators. However, the wrong people can undermine this progress and even cause your organisation losses in terms of unachieved targets and slow growth. 


For this reason, most large companies take their hiring process very seriously. There is always a systematic plan to approach the right people for the job and onboard them no matter what the role. With changes in demographic trends, business development, and labour saturation, the hiring process will only get more complex with time. 


Therefore, companies need to start working on recruitment strategies and adopt some successful policies that are in place in most large firms. Unsure of how to get started? Read ahead to know more about some fool-proof onboarding tips.

How To Recruit The Best Staff

1. Attend Meet-ups Within The Industry

The first step to finding the right people is knowing where to look. By attending industry meet-ups, you are setting a strong presence of your company within the industry. The more visibility you have, the more your organisation will grow in popularity. This means there will be a higher chance of suitable candidates finding out about potential positions. 


Industry meet-ups are also a great place to meet talented individuals, survey the field, and even call in any appropriate candidates for an interview. However, you must be quick to approach potential candidates as other companies will likely approach them. 


2. Treat Potential Employees Like Customers

The way you treat potential employees, especially during the first few meetings, is critical in setting up an excellent first impression. Remember, to attract the right talent, and you want employees to look forward to working in your organisation. 


Always give employees the same treatment you would like a customer. Be mindful of their time, be courteous and hospitable and make them feel comfortable in the setting. This can only happen if they feel welcomed and have a good image of your company. 

3. Know Your Competition

It is essential to have a general idea of the market when looking for new employees. Do your research diligently to know the different pay scales offered for the post, the best people for the job currently in the market, and how they are fulfilling their roles. 

4. Have A Strong Company Website

Most potential candidates will likely do their research after you’ve laid your offer out on the table. The first place they will check is your company’s web page. Having an old webpage that hasn’t been updated in a while and has old, inaccurate, or unnecessary information may give your company a bad image and deter candidates from accepting your proposals. 


It is, therefore, essential to have an eye-catching and up-to-date web page with the latest information on it. If you don’t have the appropriate staff to work on your webpage, you can always outsource this task. 

5. Partnering With Talented Agencies

In addition to internal HR departments, companies seeking the best potential employees are not afraid to defer to the experts. Partnering with a talented agency to assist you in the hunt is not only smart but can and will result in a more in-depth search. 


When looking for agencies to help find new employees, it’s sometimes good to narrow your focus to those who know your industry the best. While big agencies can be more flashy and even more affordable, they may not have industry-specific knowledge to find the best. If you operate in a niche industry, look for agencies that know that industry. 


6. Have Good HR Policies In Place


Good human resource management policies with appropriate benefits and perks can result in attractive packages for new employees. Having good HR policies in place, a supportive and encouraging work environment, and approachable leaders are bound to attract employees. This also helps retain employees and reduce staff turnover. 


HR policies are the backbone of every organisation, and the organisational structure, strengths, and employee satisfaction can all be gauged through HR parameters. Since employees spend most of their time away from home in the office, they want to ensure the new work they’re entering isn’t toxic and is worth their while. 

Final Thoughts

Hiring the best staff can be a time-consuming and challenging task. However, if executed properly, it can hire competent staff that can become an asset for your company. 


Irrespective of the size of your business, our recruitment strategies will ensure you find and onboard the best candidates for the job.


Mohammed Adris is a co-owner & director at Responsum Global. He has over eight years of experience matching the top building services engineering talent with the best employers. He has over 50 written success stories. He’s active on LinkedIn, is a host on The Building Services Podcast, and a regular writer on The Building Services Blog. He’s a dad of 2 & a petrol head.


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